Private Chef Ireland in Dublin & Northern Ireland in Belfast
Hire a private chef to cook meals that make you healthy and save time.
If you’re looking to hire a private chef Dublin based service in Ireland, or a private chef Belfast service in Northern Ireland, you may be interested in our private chef and nutritionist service to provide healthy meals for yourself and your family. Whether you’re looking for meal prep in Northern Ireland, to hire a private chef at home in Ireland, we have you covered.

"There’s a high chance of skipping meals or not eating things that are good for my nutrition if it’s not super quick and accessible. "
Steven Bartlett - Diary of a CEO, Star of Dragons Den, Investor, Entrepreneur - Featured in GQ




As seen on

Does this sound like you?
- Are you tired of not being able to find good foods to make you healthy?
- Do you hate meal planning, shopping, cooking, and washing?
- Are you looking to improve your health and save time in the easiest way possible?

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.

What if I told you:
- You could save more than 14+ hours per week - without having to use a cheap meal prep service.
- You could enjoy luxurious foods cooked in the comfort of your home by a private chef
- You can have your meals designed for your health and lifestyle - so you can sleep knowing you’re living your truest purpose.
Introducing Biocheffing To Ireland & Northern Ireland

In 2022, we started offering our private chef and nutritionist services in London.
This is a unique service where you get a chef AND a nutritionist.
Imagine getting a personalised health programme so you can feel as good as possible, burn fat, build muscle, and have amazing skin.
Then, imagine a chef comes to your home and cooks all your food using organic ingredients.
You can get laboratory tests (e.g. blood and DNA) to optimise your hormones and nutrient status -
We call this a Biocheffing service.
People loved this idea! Everyone was tired of using meal prep companies, eating from food vans, or using Deliveroo. They wanted real, wholesome, organic meals.
And we took it one step further with our Biocheffing service.
We started providing in-home chef services to turn your kitchen into a restaurant and fill your fridge with meals you can take out and enjoy anytime.
One of our main nutritionist (Mairead) was from Dublin, and very quickly, we started getting demand for our Biocheffing service in Ireland.
Hire a personal chef Ireland area for organic foods

Ireland is in amazing country with a rich history in organic farming which dates back to the early 1900s thanks to Irish Agricultural Organisation Society (IAOS). Nowadays, several small-scale organic producers in Ireland are still dedicated to these principles and offer high-quality organic ingredients.
We’re here to deliver you our unique private chef Ireland services in Dublin, Cork, Belfast and neighbouring areas in Ireland, so you can save time and and be healthy.
This is not just Dublin, we also offer service for private chef Cork. And we offer private chef Northern Ireland services you can get a private chef in Belfast.
We focus on souring the highest quality organic ingredients from Ireland.
The type of people who use our service include:
- Busy Mums who need some extra help for dinner time
- Professional athletes
- Actors
- Business owners, investors, and traders
- Lawyers, financial managers,

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.

Our private chef hire Ireland services and Northern Ireland Services include:
Meal Prep Northern Ireland & Ireland

Many people look for meal prep companies Ireland based. But these services lack the key nutrients required to be healthy. We offer our own Biocheffing fridge fill service.
We call this a fridge fill service - we will your fridge up with meals you can take out and heat up. This also includes some dishes you can finish off yourself (e.g. proteins like Wagyu steak). This is a luxury meal service which is perfect for single people and couples who want to save as much time as possible. We offer meal prep delivery Ireland areas and meal prep delivery Northern Ireland areas for bespoke jobs.
Private Chef at Home Ireland & Northern Ireland

This is where we can turn your kitchen into a restaurant and serve luxurious foods in the comfort of your home. This is perfect if you want to enjoy healthy restaurant-style meals in your kitchen and if you’re a big foodie. This saves time and allows to experience unique flavours that are suitable for your Biocheffing Health Profile.

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.

Nutrition and Culinary Experts
Our team is built of private chefs, personal trainers, and registered nutritional therapists. We’ve combined our expertise to deliver customer health programmes and chef services that are based entirely on health. Our nutritional therapists are registered with Nutritional Therapists of Ireland (NTOI), Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNCH), and British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).

Thank you so much for the nutrition programme you have built up for me . It looks really amazing. I must admit, nothing that I find in here exists in my actual diet. Today I realized what a dangerous path I have been walking on my whole life.
- Iulia
"I LOVE IT!!! I hate cooking and have to take care of the kids, and have put on weight since having my newest born. I wanted healthy food to lose weight and the nutrition has been really useful. It took a little bit of time to get started and the forms took a long time to fill out, but once it was all done, I didn't really have to do anything. My chef is nice, and food always smells really good.
I had a few problems with portion size at the start. They were too big for me, but Maximilian was really helpful and we sorted that out pretty quickly.
My life is so much easier now, I think my partner wants to start this too soon. It's a bit expensive, but definitely worth it. We never like the meal prep companies. It just felt like ready meals."
- Katie

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.

The Biocheffing Guarantee
- Building your dream body - we work with you to help sculpt your dream body by reducing fat, gaining muscle, and improving your skin, eyes, hair, and teeth,
- Results at your pace - Not everyone wants a nutritionist sitting on their shoulder, and that’s fine, we work with you to your level of comfort so you get the health results you desire
- 100% Organic - We use organic, 100% grass-fed, and wild ingredients in everything we do.
- Change chefs - if you’re not happy with your chef for whatever reason, we will find you a new chef that works for you.
- Rotating menus for your taste buds - we design unique menu’s for your preferences each week so the service always stays exciting
Trial the service now
Most people wait until January every year to make any real change for their health, they miss January, start again by February, and before you know it, it’s summer time and you still haven't got your summer body.
Health is not about waiting for the right time! It’s about creating the lifestyle that makes health easy. A personal chef Ireland service can make health easy for you.
Think about the person you can become, the dreams you want to achieve. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Book a call with us today and start a trial so you can experience the power of the Biocheffing Service.

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.

Book a Call to Trial our Biocheffing Service Now
If you want to upgrade your health and save as much time as humanly possible, book a call now to trial the Biocheffing service.